I am the bad guy... least to those of "godly virtue" who are privy to My "religious" inclinations. You see, I am a Satanist. Hmmm, there's a declaration to send shivers up and down then back on up the spines of those who do not truly understand. When 'they' meet and learn about Me 'they' will either grin and giggle immaturely or (equally immature) snap at and just plain refuse to associate with Me any longer. Most of the time I will laugh at their pious resentment of Me, but I'd be lying if I said that it didn't frustrate and/or hurt Me on a few occasions. Now and again there will be an individual who strikes Me as particularly intelligent whose sudden closed-mindedness will dissolve My once genuine desire to know them. Ah well, c`est la vie...

These days, when someone claims to be a Satanist, that is a rather vague statement. There are, after all, many varieties of 'Satanist' in the world. My personal beliefs coincide for the most part to the writings and ravings of Anton Szandor LaVey. This may strike some as trite and cliched, but I really don't give a good god damn. What anyone else thinks is of little to no importance in My life.

Yes, I see Satanism to be as outlined in The Satanic Bible and other publications by LaVey. I first read The Satanic Bible when I was about 13, but if one was to view My life previous to that it could easily be seen that I was basically born a Satanist without the label. Reading that book only helped to give a name to the thoughts and feelings I was already consumed with. Because I was born to view the world as I do, I have never felt the need to "apply" what LaVey had written; it all came natural in the first place. I look at it this way: I am not merely a Satanist in title and affiliation...I am a Satanist by birthright! This is quite the interesting turn out, considering the fact that I was raised for the better portion of My 'formative' years under the Christian zeal of My ever present grandmother.

"Excommunicate the heretic! Chain up, crucify the lunatic, the fanatic.
We've got the nails, we've got the matches-light the sky for hours!
Got the power, the desire and we're looking for a thrill. Kill! Don't
know what you did, but I don't like it. Something about your eyes says
you just don't fit. Parasitic devil-stick out like a weevil in a
woodpile. Vile, vile...Violation! DEVIATION!"

The Legendary Pink Dots
The Heretic

follow Me to Luciferous Links, baby!

Further Writings and Rants:

Chapter I: On Ceremony and Magic- 30 Sept., 1997 (XXXII A.S.)

Chapter II: On Faith- 17 Oct., 1997 (XXXII A.S.)

Chapter III: On Religious Differences- 17 Nov., 1997 (XXXII A.S.)

Chapter IV: On Facets of Life- 2 Dec., 1997 (XXXII A.S.)

Chapter V: On the Burdens of Thought- 13 Dec., 1997 (XXXII A.S.)

Chapter VI: On Chihuahuas- 21 Dec., 1997 (XXXII A.S.)

Chapter VII: On the Birth of Abyssus`Luciferous- 31 May., 2001 (XXXVI A.S.)

Chapter VIII: On Religion in the Workplace- 16 July, 2002 (XXXVII A.S.)

Chapter IX: On Money- 12 June, 2003 (XXXVIII A.S.)

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