While the rest of this site deals with what I think and what I like, this section deals with who I am. Other website builders call their similar sections the "about" or "bio" page, but I chose to call Mine "Vanity". I suppose that it is just an example of My brand of honesty. It sort of fits with the fact that I capitalize all of My personal pronouns. If that isn't Vanity, then I don't know what is...

As I've stated, this section deals with who I am, and I shall present these bits of familiarity in two ways: the short form and the somewhat more descriptive narratives seperated into chapters

(somewhat like in the Abyssus section). This should make the ridiculous amount of text and run-on sentences I am notorious for seem a little less daunting. Also included will be a photo album, loaded with images of MySelf from over the years. That is another good reason why this is called Vanity.

The Short Form

Who: Gregory Michael Enriquez
When: August 29, 1974
Where: Mesa, Arizona
What: Caucasionistic/Mexicanese Male
How: Heterosexually Single

Religion Philosophy: Satanism
Affiliation: "active member" of The Church of Satan
Hobbies/Interests: writing, drawing, reading, video games, horror films, music, green eyed redheads, going to dance clubs and not dancing

Beyond the Short Form:

Chapter I: Who, When, Where...- 09 Feb. 2004 (XXXIX)

Chapter II: Adolescence & the Devil- 09 Feb. 2004 (XXXIX)

Chapter III: The Life and Times of Goth Boi!- 10 Feb. 2004 (XXXIX)

Chapter IV: Wedded Bliss Gone Amiss- 11 Feb. 2004 (XXXIX)

Chapter V: A Tale of Anita- 13 Feb. 2004 (XXXIX)

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