Dear Abyssus
                  ...With columnist Michael "Abyssus" Enriquez

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Dear Abyssus!

Mistress Abigail Van Buren

"The Abyssus Luciferous", Aby's personal site

The Church of Satan

Dear Abyssus,
     Well, let me start off by telling a short story of my...despondent life. Born in a Christian family, I went to church all my life. I never came to realize and open my eyes to other religions, however, 'til the past year. Over a long period of unfortunate events in my life, (which has only been 17 years long), I came to question the church, and soon, came to resent it as well. As you may already know, even the word Satanism frightens most everyone... to tell you the truth, I still have some innate fear which resides in me. I cannot tell you that I am interested completely into devoting myself into your religion, but I am positive that I hate mine. I dont really know the guidelines of your religion, although many times I hear horrific stories of cults and such. but, I am interested in learning more.
     -"Saved", but Lost in Biloxi

Dear "Saved";

     I relate to your upbringing, if only in that My own family was particularly religious, although I had never really found much use for Christianity beyond feelings of obligation to the family. I eventually got fed up with this tool, though, as I have never responded well to the word, "No," which was what I saw Christianity to be: a whole list of no's, don'ts and shalt not's. I was tired of hearing about hell and why I was going to end up there for one reason or another. I had a fist full of reasons to put J.C. and the Big G behind Me, but most primarily was that I didn't have faith to begin with.

     Around age 13 or 14, I found and purchased a copy of the Satanic Bible and was surprised to find exactly the opposite of what I had been warned about by all of my friends. Sure, the book touched upon the idea of magic, but otherwise was filled page after page with My own ideas about life, religion and many other things that most would call "common sense" if they would just remove themselves from their fear of the word "satan". When I read the Satanic Bible, I found I was reading about Myself. I urge you to pick up a copy; you might be surprised to see your own reflection within as well.

     I want to address your concerns regarding cults. Lets look at the definition of cult:

cult, n. 1. system of religious worship. 2. great admiration for a person, thing, idea, etc.; worship. 3. group showing such admiration.; worshippers. Key idea: worship of persons, things or ideas.
     Hmm...christianity is the Bible (thing), based on worship of God (an idea), Jesus (a person), and the teachings of Jesus (one person's ideas)...I admit that this is an over-simplification, but it is no less true, as I have only removed the skin. These are the bare bones of the Christian religion, and it looks like a cult to Me. Satanism does not involve the worship of any God or person beyond the view that you are your own God. The Satan in Satanism is not an anthropomorphic entity, rather, Satan is an archetype to which one can easily compare him or herself to, provided that they know how to live as a human was meant to live: as a human, complete with human instincts and drives, success-oriented, creatively and carnally inclined.

copyright Dear Abyssus 2002     `'`      page:
(g'damned) Britnaugh